Ah. Then I’m afraid I don’t know of a way to query materials by anything except their name. Neil
In general it’s bad form to have 2 materials named the same, since they are in fact completely different materials. Under what situation do you want t…
It was added about a month ago. Get the latest collection and you should be all set. Neil
Thanks guys, glad you’ve enjoyed the scripts. Neil
That’s the blurscript archive, not the blurbeta archive. The blurbeta stuff (plugins) can be found at maxplugins.com. The blurscript stuff can be foun…
Check out the Renamer script here: It also lets you search and replace in scene materials. Neil
pudgerboy: might have known you’d have your own crazy wire generation script! i like it a LOT! thanks for that! Thanks, actually that script has…
Thanks guys. No idea if this is 8 compatable, I’ll know when my copy arrives. Neil
This modifier is a common wish, and I agree, it would be uber useful. Neil
Define “unnecessary”. There’s a script here called killanimation that gets rid of all animation for an object, is that what you’re after? Neil
Glad it worked. Neil
Thanks guys. And krembo99, see my response in the thread. Neil