Unfortunately, scatter has pretty limited functionality, so I’m afraid pflow is probably your best bet, even though it will take more time to setup. …
Thanks guys, glad you’ve found them useful. Neil
Afraid I can’t help you with a suggestion, but a warning, I’ve heard that just about all the examples in the current SDK don’t actually work anymore. …
You may have used the path deform modifier instead of the world space path deform modifier. Worth a shot, the regular modifier has many issues, the wo…
You could make a helix shape, turn it renderable, then apply a path deform world-space modifier and assign it to a shape that represents where you wan…
Here’s the maxscript code to check if two boxes overlap (can be modified depending on whether you need the C++ code). Arbitrary meshes are far more co…
Another script that does that…VertexPlacer. But Orionflame has a billion other useful tools as well, worth checking out. Neil
I’d recommend using the sequel to that script instead called selectionRandomizer available here: Neil
It is. Max’s materials and maps haven’t changed substantially since version 3 of the software (other than the addition of mentalray stuff). I would sa…
Yes you can certainly program your own shaders for max. It’s actually not all that unlike writing a renderman shader in SL, except for you have to use…
Glad they worked for you. Yes, weird normals are the cause of o so many problems in the world Neil
Also the script ObjectDetacher available here: Neil
I spent 3 hours debugging a script once, until I figured out that 1 divided by 2 didn’t equal 0.5, but it equalled 0, because I was dividing two integ…
Most compound objects aren’t assesible via script I’m afraid, some with lofts. Neil