Check out the transformRandomizer script available here… It does exactly what you want. Neil
Ok, looks like it’s a max bug then. Thanks for the workaround. Neil
You can also check out the RandomTransform script at check the soulburnscripts area. Neil
Try the objectDetacher… Neil
Do the papers need to be pushed away, or blown? If blown, I’d use a particle system, and setup a wind that goes off and blows the papers right when th…
Checkout the features or code of my attachSelectedObjects script… Neil
You can also use ObjectDropper Neil
Ok, posted a new copy of the Soulburn Collection to the website with the uVPlacer fix. To get it, visit the website above. Also, sat down for the pas…
Sure thing. You can find instructions inside the maxscript if you edit it with a text editor: – Instructions: – Select a polygonal object, apply a UV…
I agree, I think you should just jump directly to maxscript. I learned several languages before I learned maxscript, but always had trouble, partly b…
Had a friend who wrote a raytracer in maxscript once. It was uber slow, but it did work. Not recommended though Neil