Thousands and thousands of functions The macrorecorder is a good place to start, then if it doesn’t help, the helpfile should be next, followed by in…
Good to know, thanks Bobo. I’ll take a peak at the new editor when it comes out and see if it’s worth switching. Neil
Well first, the editpoly modifier has only been around for like 1 max release (I believe it made it’s debut in max8), wheras editablePoly has been aro…
A question, does anyone know if max crashes, does the editor crash as well? Because that’s one of the biggest advantages of having a seperate editor, …
Thanks guys, glad you’re using them. Having a pretty productive month script wise. Hopefully it makes up for my several months of inactivity Neil
magicm: Sounds like a bug to me! Yup, there are a lot of them in this chunk of the code I remember having a lot of problems with maxscript not b…
Yup, I’m aware of that, I still get random behavior when only using the texturemap slot, and ignoring the bitmap slot entirely. magicm: (just …
Personally, I’ve never been able to understand the code behind the materials system. Objects seem far more well laid out, if you want a property, you…
Nope, it also, for example, misses any map in the render effects dialog. Neil
Ya, there really seems to be no surefire way to collect all the maps in a scene, so in the past I’ve had to write a lot of special case code. I tried …
A shame “getClassInstances BitmapTexture” isn’t a surefire way to get all the bitmaps in a scene. For example, it won’t access the skylight map inside…
PiXeL_MoNKeY: Neil, Look up Modifier Sub-Object Transform Properties in the Maxscript Help. First example shows getting and setting world coordinate…