My script calls a number of functions that exist in the file, these functions get as many of the bitmaps in a scene as humanly possible, since…
I may be misunderstanding the question, but why not create a MultilistBox[size=2], which will allow the user to select multiple items, and then you ca…
Just to fnish off the topic for anyone who’s interested, it’s even more contorted. Max first looks at the path hard coded into the bitmap map. If it c…
Thanks everyone. Marco, that’s a good function to know, although since it got added in max9 and I’m still in max8, it won’t work till I upgrade all m…
Well, I may still be misunderstanding what you’re doing, but the plan I mentionned I still think could work for your situatrion. While each object wou…
Do you really need 5000 seperate animation curves? Could like 15 do instead, randomly assigned to your objects to avoid any obvious patterns? You cou…
Be careful though, just because an object has 3 map channels, that could be map channel 1, 3 and 4, with no 2. So if you want to know the actual highe…
You can also use my ViewportControl script… Just use the viewportControlCamera macroscript and hook it up to an icon or hotkey. Neil
Also, feel free to steal any code you want from my objectDetacher script here… It does exactly what you’re after. Neil
Look up the Instancemgr in the maxscript help. Neil