Do you want just to copy U to W (for example) on the same object and the same channel ? If that is all you need, this code should work: fn partialCha…
There are a lot on scriptspot… Mine for example ! lol search for ‘non Quad Selector’ … or other one I have no idea which is the best.
Hey very nice I like the function to find the longest diagonal. Find the center, find the further point and find the further point again… The only …
I thought about your method. If the form is a rectangle, it will find the diagonals of the rectangle. It is not directly what we want but that could b…
Hey Mr Matin, Your explanations are really very interesting! I will try to program this routine in my free time Thank you very much
I think he wanted an oriented bounding box. A standard bounding box is oriented with the world axis. But the chalenge with an obb (oriented bounding b…
This link could be useful for you: This script would be a good start to solve your problem. Nevertheless the script should be adapted for all object…
Here is the code: fn getUVpos obj channel theVertex = ( local vertexFaces = polyOp.getFacesUsingVert obj #{theVertex} local mapVertsArray = #() , m…
Hello It is not complicated to write a recursive function to scan all materials. Here a small example which will help you to understand the principle …
I am glad to have been able to help you. I am interrested to use Indigo now. I have seen some pictures and that looks really good ! have a good day
u3dreal: If i have two mapverts in the first channel and lets say three in the second channel then what will i do ? Will i get three verts after bre…
I think you don’t need to transform the objects in 3DSmax. You can export a different geometry to Indogo (directly). For example: if you have 1 verte…
u3dreal: So far the renderer only take the geom data as following. vertex pos=xyz normal=xyz uv0=xy uv1=xy … tri_set [xyz] [xyz] [xyz] tri_set an…
I have created a structure which stores the mapping coordinates of your object. The function .getDuplicatedMapverts returns the vertices associed with…