Let us say that I have a curve defined by 5 points. I would like to obtain (approximately) the same curve but with 4 points. ( local thePoints = #([0…
“Reparameterization” is the right term
Hey wahooney Very interesting this catmullrom spline… Thanks Another link about this with an interactive curve: That seems ideal because points are…
The ‘projection’ modifier can do that. Put the 2 objects at the same place. Add the modifier on the low res. Pick the hires as reference geometry Add…
Rivendale: Hey Arketip, I couldn’t help playing around with this idea since I think it is a very good one. Would you mind if I included a similar to…
hey thanks for all your answers Thanks very much ! Tonight i only had the time to do a little test based on the middle of the edges. It is not so a…
Thanks for the reply rdg. To be honest I had hoped to find a less complex solution for smoothing the edges. Bezier curves are really core mathematics…
Just by curiosity: I don’t know if I am alone having a crash when I edit the vertices of the spline ? But if I add the line “updateShape new_spline” a…
Hello, This is what i think about the concept: Your goal is to be able to clean up an 3D object. In your method the user adds free points to the sur…
try this ( local obj = selection[1] select obj — only 1 object must be selected to work with the Unwrap modifier max modify mode — that doesn’t wor…
In theory if you use the interface of 3Dsmax, there are 2 cases : your object don’t have coordinates of mapping and no faces have mapping coordinate…
Why do you say we can’t bake textures on the channel 2 ? It is an option in the RTT. You could change it with .bakeChannel (?) Look at this thread …
if you look for something simple, try this : obj = selection[1] channelInfo.CopyChannel obj 3 3 – from channel channelInfo.PasteChannel obj 3 1 – to …