If I understood what you were talking about, you could use the ‘Persistent Global Variables’ EDIT: Jon-Huhn> at the same time, sorry
JHaywood: …I’ve done is add an option to relax the UV’s at the end of the morphMap process. Oh, you too I had also added a similar function in a…
Hey The right direction for the UVWs est more a concept than a reality. Nobody can be certain about what wants the user… However, you can suppose th…
sorry I just realize you said “element”… ( max modify mode for obj in selection where (classof obj==Editable_Poly) do ( local theFaces= #{1..obj.num…
run this script: ( local newSel=#() for obj in geometry where (isProperty obj “numFaces”) do ( if obj.numFaces>3 do (append newsel obj) ) select…
Is there anybody who knows ’ How to find the closest point of a spline ? ’ I can also find this point by using 2 maxscript functions. First I use ‘ne…
Hey, On my side, I worked on the user interface. About the function of smoothing, I think that it can be improved using yours ideas. … but a thing at…
Your extruded spline don’t have any volume, isn’t ? Then a boolean operation is not appropriate in this situation. Specially the boolean of 3dsmax bec…
Here is the concept: ( local theObject = box width:100 height:100 length:100 local theParticule = sphere pos:[50,0,0] radius:10.0 segs:8 local nVert…
I remember me another solution proposed by BOBO. That isn’t specifically for particles but that will give you an idea. You create a boolean operation…
Thank you for having shared your knowledge, eek
try to use .defaultMapFaces. It create all you need for a new channel. But you have to test several things first. ( local obj=selection[1] local theC…
Here is my first attempt. Just a prototype with the maxscript functions. At first, you have to create severals points ‘helper’ (in the same order as …
eek, pen : thanks for all advices guys You helped well me. I am now going to study these various formulae. Later I would see what I can code with t…
You are right, I am going to learn that. At first I did not know how realizing that. I thought that a formula would do it. But that seems enough comp…