In your Configuration Properties what do you have “Debugger Type” set to? …and did you change any of the default debugging settings in the project pr…
When I create a 3ds Max 2013 wizard controller project… the default program database file for the HybridUnicode x64 configuration is defaulted to: $(…
Regarding associating a Checkbox with another pblock parameter’s Bezier float controller tangent types… …Maybe a simpler solution would be to use a M…
So, I’m still trying to figure out how to associate the “radius unlocked” checkbox with the radius Bezier float controller– in regards to causing a c…
So I’m not sure if I’m reading/understanding the SDK literature correctly… Am I correct to think that Bezier Tangents In/Out Types are a global setti…
So the parameter block is working (although aspects of it are not tied into the overall controller methods…) but what I’m trying to do now is properly…
Thanks @Klvnk… that works! So I have 4 references: pos, rot, scl, pblock Also, should I add the following in the Copy method under the existing N…
Ok… so I commented those things out, changed pblock to ref 0 and changed NumRefs to 4 and modified my Copy( ) method as follows: void AnimPivotConst:…
Then what is ref 0 in the Copy method??? ReplaceReference(0,(ReferenceTarget*)ctrl->tmControl->Clone(*remap)); Should I be using: (*this) So…
Klvnk: the assertion ref (0) == the tm controller itself is wrong the system gets the number of refs from int NumRefs() then iterates through expec…
Hmm… that was it. I had NumRefs = 4 and I changed the pblock ref to 0 and it resets successfully. But I still want to understand the save chunks and…
Yes, I will do that momentarily… ALSO, trying to understand/resolve the load/save issues… I read the SDK section “Loading and Saving Plugin Data” and…
Malkalypse: …It might help if I know what I was SUPPOSED to be using… Simply create a new temp Controller project and look at what the default pa…
Maybe it would help if you posted a screenshot of your Project’s property page for where you are writing the PDB file to… in relation to where all of …
Is the pdb file that compiled from your hybrid build in the same folder as the compiled dlc plugin? If not move it there and see if it finds it. If …