Manipulators or something with a controller?
Ok… so I managed to get the unspecified- , specified- , and explicit normals to export using the method below in my class CdotXSIMapper (which convert…
I was referring to the CheckNormals() you cited in your two MNNormalSpec calls… I’m just trying to wrap my head around this to fix the exporter (and …
@Klunk-1, so I’m finally getting a moment to get back to this project… and I have a question. The SDK talks about using the class VNormal for computi…
I’m open to suggestions…some kind of global struct array? How would I associate/index it by INodes? Maybe use the INode ID (isn’t that an integer va…
Is AddAppDataChunk( ) and RemoveAppDataChunk( ) the best way to temporarily store the processing of the INode’s mesh data? Or is there a better way?
@Klvnk – the method you posted (GetFaceRNormals) gets the face normals, or the vertex normals? Also, my task is going to be somewhat complicated…
Looking thru the SDK, I think I’ll try and add these Normal Type options in the next version of my exporter (shown in red):
Klvnk: pretty simple, no need to worry about modifiers, if you’ve specified the normals they can be accessed like so… from a mesh… MeshNormalSpec*…
Rate Limiter: limit the first derivative of the position track so that the output changes no faster than the specified limits (R = Rising Slew Rate an…
Depending on what you’re doing inside 3ds Max during the debug session, you may not hit one of your breakpoints– unless you do something inside 3dsMa…
And if you answer “yes” to continue… doesn’t it proceed with loading 3dsMax?
I tend to change my project property settings to write the PDB file and the DLC plugin file into the Hybrid folder (where all the intermediary files a…