Through MaxScript you can set the visibility to camera with: $.primaryVisibility = off and $[size=1].primaryVisibility = off then you can animate thi…
Haven’t thought about the dos command to delete the file. That sounds doable. The easiest way to read and write to a file is through the “SetIniSetti…
You will probably not be able to delete the file because it’s in use by max but and also you cannot write to it. The easiest way is to create a file s…
You’ll probably find all you need under NetRender Interface but I wasn’t successful in making all the post render callbacks run through the network… …
You should think form the perspective of a programmer. Do they have any licensing issues selling their programs coded in Visual Basic/C#/Java/Flash et…
It’s called “grouphead” the commands are isGroupHead and IsGrooupMember. For the overall size look around here for “bounding box”. There are a few thr…
Got it. It seems like you have the german version of max which uses Map_Kanal instead of Map_Channel. I’ve changed the code and no more errors! Time …
Hi Oliver, This seems to be a great tool and Just got the chance to start playing with it only that it crashes on me. Might be user error So what I’…
Few weeks ago I stumbled upon a command that gives you all the maps in a scene, but for the life of me I cannot remember it or the script I used it fo…
I didn’t add any extrude modifiers in mine so maybe you didn’t update the right file and it still sees your initial script?. This should just weld the…
Usually the stuff from the listener is not the best syntax… Here is a quick an dirty little script which does what you need: if selection.count == 1…
So nobody has any idea? Seems to me that the vertex’s pivot orientation is given by the vectors of the edges it’s connecting, because when you start m…
I’ve cleared all my Iexporer history and cache again but the link from your site goes to this file: which still doesn’t have the function in it… Also…
There is no convertValue2Integers function in C4 and it still has the error after I’ve deleted the mcr.