Other way you could do that is by building the whole structure from sepparate pieces and make them not visible to camera. Then, through script to turn…
I’ve had the same problem and haven’t found an answer yet. There seems to be a way to get a render effect in top and you would be able to read it’s ou…
So I got the time to get back to it and figure it out for multiple verts. Light’s algorithm works perfect and you just need to find for each of the ve…
Ok, my bad, the algorithm works perfect only I was trying to do it to multiple verts at once and then it would do that. With only one vert it does it …
The non linearity of it is controlled by max through the color of the selected verts. When you read the VData for the soft selection channel you get v…
That’s pretty much what I have but the results are different from what you get when you manually do it… Check the attached image.
I’m still on max 9 so I am not sure what is happening but in the previous versions you had to enable the MacroRecorder initally… Might be the same iss…
I am not in front of Max right now but if I remember correctly they are called Submenus. Look in the reference for submenus and RCMenu.
If I get this right you justwant to collapse everything to a poly right? I’ve created a box, applied a bend modifier and collapsed it through these me…
I know your pain as we are doing the same… One idea to improve this would be a tool similar to the “BPOLY” command in autocad which creates a polygon …
Thanks MoonDoggie for the quick answer. I’ll look into your method. Anyway, I found the solution and as always is user error… The map I was loocking f…
I’ve been on that path Alex with the grid and it didn;t take me anywhere because it won’t allow to create geometry if I remember correctly. Maybe I’ve…
I’ve been through your pains too and there is no MXS solution. The only way would be through SDK which I am not familiar with. If you search the forum…