To save it’s settings it’s pretty easy. The way I preffer doing it is by using an .ini file. Look in reference for getIniSetting and setIniSetting. It…
Thanks Martjin, that helped! The issue I have right now is that in all those views you cannot draw… So I guess your previus idea about the C++ extensi…
Thanks for the tip Martjin. I figured a workaround and probably tonight I’ll have the time to finalize it. There is a set of commands for viewport th…
stev, those are for the home grid. But if you have a custom grid then you cannot do it like that! Try creating a custom grid and make it active. Then…
Thanks stev but I wasn’t looking for that. I wasn’t clear in my previuous post! What I am looking for is to set the view in a viewport to say to “fron…
If you search this forum you’ll find all the info that you need. It’s been discussed a few times before. Also there already are scripts out there that…
Thanks Mobeen. That’s what I ended up doing.
Cannot really add a loop in that location but I thought of it. I should probably build an array before and reffer to the objects in it… joconnell: I …
Thanks Chris for the reply! We are still max8 for now but soon we’ll upgrade so all the autoback issues are going to be over! Thanks, Anton
I think i’ve found an autoback bug… I’ve made a little script which displays a timer and pops up a message whenever you save. With the autoback set t…
Thanks rdg, this helps alot with the setup part but any idea on how to make the scripted shape? I’ll read some more and if I come up with something I’…