Awesome, thanks! That helps alot!
Thanks! Will do, sorry about the code quote, I’ll add that from now on if problem = solved then say thanks else beg some more
Hahah nice, yes its a nice gloomy day for watching cricket! Thanks for that, so simple…didn’t even think of that I’ll try it out!
Thanks! Didn’t expect a reply today, so definitely appreciated I’ve condensed the scene and it is attached. Also getting frustrated with materials,…
ooo…yes…hmm I’ll look up how to convert it then. Thanks!
Thanks, I did look at the help, I just thought I was missing something. When I offset my buttons they weren’t staying within the Group. Thought there …
Wow thanks guys, appreciate the explanation…and I also really appreciate the different ways you showed to tackle this… Waaa…I want to be able to scri…
Hey Lucpet! Thanks! For both posts I was out and eager to try it Thanks for the script too, its awesome to learn practically bit by bit, it really s…