Thanks Denis! I really need to brush up on my syntax, there is so many ways to do things… Can I borrow your brain for a day…I promise I’ll give it ba…
Thank you so much!! I missed that completely! Should have double checked the max file, all I was looking for was append. Really helped! Now on to m…
Thanks guys, Thats a big help. Yeah I was looking at it more of a setting, didn’t realise that was an array, I had found that bit of code. And thank…
Lol its ok, My array will only go up to 25 if that!
Whoops, sorry about the typo! Wow thanks, that is a big help, also interesting to see the other ways to randomise, very helpful! Thank you very much…
Thanks guys, Weird things happening, when I run the code, nothing happens but when I try to click on a bone it disappears. Might just be my max, I st…
Ahhh…perfect! Thanks!
Wow thanks! That helps alot! With the array so for example I have 2 arrays of objects define as BoxArray = $Box* as array SphereArray = $Sphere* as …
Lol…I never thought taking away would add more
Thanks Bobo! Wow very cool way of laying it out, very clear. Thanks for the link Ian, it makes my head kind of spin the amount of ways you can look …