The garbage collector has been automatically invoked by this script on a number of occasions while running under Max9, which never caused more than a …
By “screw up” I simply mean the script begins to run slowly and eventually hangs the program. I did a search and found another user with the same pro…
I may have found a semi-solution. It seems that the problem isn’t so much assigning the material to the object, but assigning a material created as a…
I’ve isolated the problem to this point: fn Set_Matte o color luma = ( – Create the matte material local mb = standard shaderType:1 diffus…
A few things: The scripts won’t be moved in a relative sense, but I do sometimes switch between my computer at home and my computer at work. The re…
Thank you so much! It makes perfect sense. Side question – I understand that controllers can be layered and given weights to blend their effect, but …
That’s all I needed to know. Thanks Bobo!