Ey DenisT, may be when the preview is created ? i need the shapes or the info in the preview. Thanks for the advice man
Hi all !! i think i got it. but i have the problem of the fov camera. delete $ControlledText delete $FrameCounter cadena = maxfilename positions…
I get so close but i have the problem of the camera fov. selectedCamera = viewport.getCamera() selection[1].dir = selectedCamera.pos selection[1].p…
Ey man !! thank you very much !! its a step !! This align the direction of the object to active viewport, but i need to get the item more close to ca…
Any one? some search parameter for google it ? I dont know were to star to search. Thx man !!
I present my respects to you, many thanks seriously. I find this web But im a noob with maxscript , and i dont know well how is the syntax or the …
Ey man!! thank you very much , works perfectly, Can i make you a question? If i would want to add a new element , like velocity were can i find a re…
YESSS i got it !! thanks all of you !!!
this is i try it but i have some errors objetos = getmaxfileobjectnames “c:\project\ep002_background_02.max” Objsiwant = for o in objNames where ma…
Ey man , Thank you for your response , I’ll try and tell you how I’ve done. thanks again man !! :applause:
Ey !! thanks for yours comments man ! works perfectly. I did some adjusts in the code, i would like do one click and select camera auto, and rename a…
Ok , then here is the result: on btn_head pressed do ( frs=animationrange.start.frame as string fre=animationrange.end.frame as string $Camera0…