Hello This is ammazing! We are trieng to write 3d max listener. We need to listen all we can. Could you help with writeing such Listener? Do you know…
Well everything going good. But if i open the plugin then close it and trying reopen it gives the error “can`t access to disposed object”. Could anyo…
I am developing not only the geometry plugin. But there are no MaxDotNet in the list. Befor testing the plugin i should turn some options in that Util…
Sorry but changing that config file didn`t work. MaxDotNet is still missing in the utilities list.
Anybody? Help, please…)
This code works fine! fn test = ( local Assembly = dotNetClass “System.Reflection.Assembly” local maxroot = pathConfig.GetDir #maxroot Assembly.LoadF…
Well it dose not work — Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: D:\work\MyTutors\GardenWorker\Scripts\1.ms; position: 110; line: 4 — Runt…
I got it But what should i do if i need the paremeter in my constructor?
Actual “SplineAlignDialog.cs” code: using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using S…
Yes! Thanks for the understanding)) There are the errors: — Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: ; position: 54; line: 1 — Runtime erro…
Thanks a lot about the last link! I am trying to write a plugin with C# user could call in any time. Like Material Editor Or Particle View.
Call it from where?
public void Initialize(IGlobal global, System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke sync) { SplineAlignDialog dialog = new SplineAlign…