hvanzon i got it to work the way it was suggested in your other thread, the cube sat on it’s corner when at 45°, and on it’s side when at 90°, but inb…
i think i have it. it is a sine wave, but only a part of it the calculations in this thread so far use a sine wave from 0 to 180, the cube only goes …
here’s another one it’s showing the cube rolling over the top edge of the obstacle
i’d also do this by hand, but i’d just animate the pivot instead of bothering with waves or anything. parent your boxes / pyramids whatever under a p…
i also had the problem that text get’s drawn behind object’s (with any driver) not so with polylines! has anyone seen this maybe?
haha ok thanks, i hoped it would be as simple as that
here’s a snippet from the code of one of my tools, it’s basically the same as light suggested – it works #(sourceSubs_tv,targetSubs_tv).size.x = …
you don’t have to treat filenames any different then strings in this case if what you’re trying to do is search for a string within a filename you ne…
you can do it like that yes, but it’s definitely a good idea to look at what’s inside the macroscript, it’ll keep things much more flexible… for exa…
mh i guess i could just do something like schematiccontrol != undefined
that’s something new, thanks for stopping by bobo but, i need this for kees’ helium plugin, which is a rolloutControl (the constructor is ‘schematicc…
correct me if i’m wrong, but isn’t this the principle of all script languages?