the script could look something like this: b2 = BoneSys.createBone RankleLoc.pos RheelLoc.pos [0,-1,0] b2.width = 0.05; b2.height = 0.05; b2.p…
The most common way of zeroing out rotations using the UI is “Freeze Rotations/Transforms” found in the animation quad menu (alt+right click), not sur…
ehe and i had forgotten you actually posted something in there i forgot to mention a problem i had with that solution, the preRenderEval tag doesn’t…
take a look at this thread of mine: at the bottom is a solution that worked for me (i needed to animate the start time on a point cache modifier) i…
ok now it really does work, on the renderfarm as well i now animate the point cache start time offset using the z-position on some dummies. i have 6 …
and… it still doesn’t work on the renderfarm i guess you need to register the script on every single machine… do you guys have any other ideas?
ok guys, found something… in case anyone without maxscript knowledge (like me) needs something like this, here’s the script it now does a preRenderF…
galagast i just tried your idea, i transfered a sphere’s Z position onto another sphere… it works great in the viewport, but at rendertime or in an an…
Hey guys, I’m looking for the opposite now, do you know of a simple way to detach splines using maxscript? i only found a way to launch the detach ui…
take a look in there, i’d say your question falls in the ‘too broad’ category :shrug: (no pun intended) if you don’t even have an idea what kind of s…
smart workaround. you don’t even have to reattach them if you ‘detach as element’
ok here’s a good one i think: i think we all know and love the solidify modifier. i find myself using it a lot lately, but i always have to convert m…