we’re using it the exact same way… record in animation files and load in render files. the only problem is that you don’t immediately see the loaded p…
I think there was a misunderstanding since max7 you can resize them in th ui, but max doesn’t remember the size. and there doesn’t seem to be a max…
have you tried to access your CA directly like $Teapot01.modifiers[#Attribute_Holder].rigidity… ?
to iterate over your selection try one of the following: for i=1 to selection.count do ( print selection[i].name ) to access one of your objects in …
sorry eek didn’t check it, just rewrote part of an existing script with your variables, glad it works now
Here’s the wall i’m running into right now… I’m trying to figure out how to dynamically add parameters this is how it’s typically done, with paramet…
hey eek… i’m attempting to write a facial expression saving/managing script that uses weighted list controllers and scripted ca’s as well… looks like …
Wahooney… you trying to close (roll-up) rollouts or are you trying to close floaters? I’m trying to close a floater in one of my scripts… do any of y…
Great Kai, I’ll give it a try as soon as i can. Btw, in case you sent me any mails these last few days, i couldn’t check them because i’m having some…
Good stuff neil, thanks for sharing. Just skipped over the website and had another idea for a script. how about “getMatFromSelectedObjects” to put al…
ok i figured something out… this will ‘redefine’ the original attributes, don’t know how to delete certain parameters yet though clearListener() a…
That’s the same problem i’m running into with a script of mine… have you found a solution Wahooney?