this should do what you want: curObj = $ newObj = dummy() = newObj.rotation = curObj.rotation newObj.pos = curO…
it’s probably the script operator, can you post the script?
depending on what you want do you could also just wire both to a viewport slider or custom attribute
well you can add an error check to solve that problem: if $glu3d_02 != undefined then delete $glu3d_02 or a great simple way to avoid errors being r…
my guess is that preRenderEval doesn’t work with finalrender, had the same problem with vray it’s sort of a hack, but you could try using the “at ti…
sorry there was an error on my part: the #preRenderFrame callback takes effect after the render evaluates objects/your glu3d geometry, you have to use…
something i forgot to mention: i noticed before that some render callbacks don’t work with vray (and possibly other 3rd party renderers) …beware…
the “function for undefined” usually means that the variable the function is trying to access is undefined (has no value) in your case this is becaus…
here’s a simple script to get you going, it will move a box named “Box01” up 1 unit per frame, then reset it to it’s original position after rendering…
Ok i thought what you wanted to was just that: I wanted to control an orientation constraint’s offset value, instead of being stuck with just the in…
the max way of doing this is the list controller (again ) you can use a euler controller on top of an orientation constraint to offset the rotation
Hi Wahooney, here’s bobo’s take on it:
try this for the dependsOn: $SpinCTRL.modifiers[#Attribute_Holder].Custom_Attributes well, it’s just what the error says, you need a maxwrapper node…
Great Challenge, don’t have the time to do something myself, but i’m excited to see what people come up with is pflow allowed?
hehe but definitely better than having the five rigs of the furry characters in there as well