yes spline knots is one way to do it. but if you use interpolation methods then your points will be independent of your spline knots and you will cont…
in fact you can do that with splineshapes also. use interpolation methods. create a specified number of points along a curve. create the same points…
right thank you! i’ve seen that before. will have a better look now. i was also wondering if it is possible to sort the vertex indices of a mesh surf…
hm ok. then how can i loop through U direction first and V direction after, and store the vertex points in a 2dimensional array : surfpoints[i][j] for…
oh right! thanks alot.
i dont know how iits done… about the code. yes its not a problem to load it. once you press the button it throws the errors i posted.
i saw the documentation but as im studying maxscript for only 6 – 7 months, i cant really understand which things might have changed… here is the code…
Matter of speaking, do you know (or someone else who reads this) what are the changes in Maxscript between 2010/2011, and 2012 ? i got a script writte…
hi viro, i have found the answer! the problem was not how you could connect a group of objects together with lines but to test recursively for the sh…