Hi, there is an algorithm called stochastic search. You can use the simplest stochastic search to avoid collisions. After the code allocates positions…
Ok, thank you claude for your replies!
So you first calculate the position of uv on the nurbs object in local coords with evalpos method, and then you use myNurbsNode.transform to acurately…
Yes it now works, so the objects inside a nurbs set keep as a default coord sys the 0,0,0 ?
No, still the objects are dislocated…
Hello, again. I don’t know what is going on with the coord sys but when i assign the direction that i get from the normal calculation to an object’s ….
Yes! It actually does… thanks claude666. i can finish it now.
great. thank you denisT !
will know that from now on… thanks a lot !
thank you very much ! should i do that like every time ? because when i have point3 values i believe it does work to directly compare them.
ok, nevermind got it. If someone has the same problem remember to add after the line WM3_MC_BuildFromNode the following. <objectA>.modifiers[#…