yes like the box, cylinder i want to create a new shape. HOW and WHY NOT???
no infact there is nothing to edit the script. it only opens up macros_modifiers.mcr when clicking on the edit script… so cant edit the edit normals s…
yes thats the one but its a macroscript so it can be edited. I want to be able to add some features to it as the current features are not enough and c…
anyone ??? please
great help. thank you. works for me.
thanks guys. will check out these nd get back…
narr = #(“bob”, “jud”, “bill”, “mat”) farr = #(12f, 120f, 85f, 62f) sarr = #(14f, 18f, 94f, 122f) earr = #(26f, 138f, 179f, 184f) — This will …
thanks gravey i will look into ur code and try find a workaround…
xrefs.addNewXRefFile <filename_string> xrefs all the obects in the scene… i want to get a list of all layers and objects in the xreffile and th…