just before i set the morpher values I am adding a morpher modifer to the selected object… i then use this code >> WM3_MC_BuildFromNode morphm…
thanks a lot…
thanks a lot… super
i tried that and still the same… its not always though, occasionally this doesnt work… which is very annoying…
thanks… works brilliant
thanks a lot guys…
i tried this and it works… thanks again… before I can use this i need to make sure i understand whats happening and add so custom features to it… i a…
thanks a lot bobo… all this while i thought plugin == sdk… will get on this now. martin thanx for pointing me towards ur script… its exactly what i wa…
ok thanks for heads up guys… i will post back as soon as i have found something… when you say scripted plugin does it mean maxscript itself is not eno…
just like the box, or any other primitive i want to create my own shape… like a teapot is unique primitive, is there a way to create a primitive of di…