is there a way to change that so it doesnt always return world space coordinates… or can I change the coordinate from world space to something else…
this is good… is there a way to edit the name there too… because i my scenes the naming conventions make the names really long and I would like to hav…
Groups are basically dummy objects… There are a couple of ways you can look for a group… if there is a better way than what I am telling you now someo…
anyone… just need so know If I can do something like view align without affecting the ends
using Local variables is a good practise… above that, once you have finished using your variable you should set it to undefined >> myVariable = …
yeah… i have created my own icon file now with about 12 icons and its working fine as before… no lags anymore… thanks for ur help
great… thankx a lot… i assume that because the ion file has about 100 icons it takes that time to load… probably if i created a smaller file for my ro…
could you post an example with a rollout and the button using the correct image and mask… I guess I am doing something wrong here… another question i…
dont you like the scrolling rollout like the render to texture dialog. its a standard feature… if you are using groups in your rollouts then set the h…
i have set the auto reload targets to true before setting the targets and the channel shows me the tragets now … altough right after setting the targe…
ur script works fine. thats what i want to do. the only difference is that my objects and targets are stored in an array… strange issue. it does set t…
thanks dude. i will give this a try and try to find out whats happening with mine… will let u know how it goes