viewport.setGridVisibility <viewport> <state> <viewport> is the viewport number, and <state> is true or false. Just type vie…
Can you just get the slider values using this: WM3_MC_GetValue $.modifiers[#morpher] 1 Where 1 is the slider number. Stev
I think that’s just what I need. Thanks! Stev
I’m tring to figure out how to get each normal individually on a hard edge. getNormal() returns one value if the vertex has three normals. I’d like …
I’m in Max 7. I didn’t get an error. I’m not sure what else could be wrong here. Try throwing in “Max Motion Mode.” Sometimes that has fixed strange …
If it only fails when it’s in a button event, put it in a function, then call that function in the button event. Here’s how it’d look. rollout Aut…
Thanks man, I’m going to check it out. Stev
I get the following error. [size=3]– Unknown property: “addNode” in Controller:Position_Script [/size] What version does this work on? Stev
Try this a = $box01.rotation; b = $box02.rotation; c = a – b; RotatePivotOnly $box01 -c; Stev
fn RotatePivotOnly obj rotation = ( local rotValInv = inverse (rotation as quat) animate off in coordsys local obj.rotation*=RotValInv obj.objectoffse…
SplitXRaven: Can you reference external MAXScripts and have them run within a program flow? Or, perhaps to be more clear, can I make a call to a pr…
I just looked at that macro and figured it out. Thanks a lot PEN.
If I was to do it manually by adding the list constraint, then another EulerXYZ, how do I wire to the second Euler in the list? Thanks PEN.