…just noticed this error message when i try to type in the number of steps instead of using the spinner…
im using max 8 sp3 and i have had no problems with creating a target camera after intialising the script – btw i added it to the menu bar like you sho…
thanks again for this great plug in, ive tried it on max 8 and it works a treat! very handy for portfolios.
h i there, great little program you made, cant wait to use it, thanks very much. …but seeing as I turn into a complete dolt when i have to do anything…
Thank you very much bobo, you are a legend! No doubt as i progress with this script ill have more to ask.
thanks Bobo, the problem is that i didnt have max 7…just a max 7 file and i realise that it may be asking too much to convert that. thanks for the s…
thanks , ill try that.