Perfect! Thank you!
Pretty cool, thank you! Is there a way to select a SRTM part in an google maps environment or something?
Allthough I use RayMeshGridIntersect, I never understand what it really does in comparison to intersectRayEx…
Shoot from the camera? I thought you want to shoot from a lightsource…?
As I told before, I don’t think it is possible… or it is possible but with so many restrictions that it’s much less fun then the idea sounds like in t…
And what should be transferred via network? Vertices’ position? Complete meshes? If vertices: there are new vertices added by a modeler, so how to add…
Sounds interesting, but I don’t think you get the realtime thing to work with MaxScript…
simple… lol
Great! Thank you!
Hi Kameleon! Great classes, thanks! @LoneRobot: I asked for generic class generation some days ago and it seems to be possible!
wow! That’s cool! :oD A lot of code to do this, but… great! ^^ Thank you! I hope this also helps some other people to develop cool stuff!
I loaded the DLL before, of couse. Thanks, that would be possible, I think. We now rewrote the c# class to get rid of the list problem, which is goo…
My answer was a little bit too fast (…you still rock! ;)) type = dotnetObject “System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ceometric.DelaunayTriangulator….