thx) i don’t know how TS will use it so maybe it has sense) a bit offtopic: do you know why sometimes the only way to compare values is as strings? I…
Why incorrectly? Rotating X around Z to align X to plane results in different vector than rotating X around Y to align with the same plane: and TS a…
but task is to align to plane rotating around given axis. you can align X axis to plane XY of second object rotating around both of the remaining axi…
and whts wrong there?) it alignes to plane perfectly. The reason it rotates is cause planeNormal and axis of rotation are the same and cross prod = [0…
Malkalypse. this should work without dot prod check: fn rotateToAlign obj rotatedAxis rotationAxis planeNormal = ( if rotatedAxis != rotationAxis th…
oops. my bad than)
You wrote that my func returns different results. i created box, plane, rotated them randomly, run my script. it aligned box to plane (let’s say rotat…
denisT: here is what i would do: fn makeRotateMatrix vector angle = ( x = vector.x y = vector.y z = vector.z cs = angle sn = sqrt …
Malkalypse: Yeah, I actually noticed that not long after I posted… Any suggestions for fixing it? (oh, and 3ak: I’m not the one who broke it this …
fileIn works fine for me. try include instead
Cause Material op in that event try to apply material to particles but they don’t have UVs. Create UVs first with Mapping, Mapping object, script etc….
i know – the main problem is to find which direction to choose) one more problem is rounding in 3ds max – sometimes it differs in 0.00001 and my test…
I don’t know why but: so they are equal but last line return false. Even comparing them as strings returns true.
here is 105th version)) tm1 = $Box001.transform tm2 = $Plane001.transform rotAxis = normalize tm1.row2 rotdAxis = normalize tm1.row1 axis3 = cross …
its interesting) could you please share your scene where it doesn’t work, and what rotations you’re after and i’ll try it.