100 000 will lower it significally) but you’ll never get 0. I think it’s easier to zero out Z coord if it so important for you to get 0
3ds max uses iterative method to find nearest point. increase “steps” parameter in nearestPathParam to lower the error. It doesn’t really matter if li…
spline1 = $Line01 spline2 = $Line02 cl = curveLength spline1 num = 10 numParts = (cl/10) for i = 1 to num do ( r = instance $Rectangle01 pathParam …
It’s because our scripts do different things) I, and believe denisT sort array of vertices in Z and you leave it untouched and find 5 biggest vertice…
This little script returns array of verts positions sorted in Z and creates 5 Point helpers on the highest vertices: fn compAB a b = if a.z<b.z th…
addModToSelection probably fit uvwmap gizmo to all selection. try this: ( m = uvwmap() m.maptype = 4 for obj in $selection do addmodifier obj (copy …
pat = “arm001” execute (“select $helpers/*”+pat+”*”) for obj in selection do obj.name = replace obj.name (pat.count-1 + findstring obj.name pat) 1 “2”
denisT: first of all it’s not a good idea to allow animators change inheritance flags during animation. it will break an animation for sure… but if …
no. it will not work. change “setfacematID mesh f” and what is more important setfacematID doesn’t work. matIDs of the faces don’t change.
yes. updated ver) for g in selection do ( –g = snapshotasmesh obj numfaces = polyop.getnummapfaces g 1 for i = 1 to numfaces do ( vi = pol…
one question is how sort faces – by their centers, by all their vertices? my little script may be not very memory friendly as denisT said but it work…
thanks) i’m not a programmer so my code needs your attention) so i need snapshotasmesh and at the end just make obj.mesh = mySnapshotMesh?
for g in selection do ( numfaces = getnumfaces g.mesh for i = 1 to numfaces do ( vi = getTVface g.mesh i v1 = getTvert g.mesh vi.x v2 = getTv…
) you don’t need to do it manually. i mean find faces in a loop) i’ll give it a try. But how compute UVs for the face? cause some of 3 certices of a f…
I think you could find corresponding tex face for every geo face. Check UVs in that tex face and according to UVs set mat ID of the geo face with setF…