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[Closed] zip files by object names in scene

I have a bunch objects in the scene and a folder with an files with a same names as objects, so i need to collect in array object names and tell maxscript to zip files with the same name.

please help me

p.s.: i know about setting object names in array by

namesArray = for s in selection collect

and also command could be like so:

ShellLaunch (scriptspath+"\	swbase\\7z.exe") @"a -mx9 -t7z ARCHIVE_NAME @listfile.txt"
10 Replies

You don’t have to collect names in array, you can directly use them in the loop.
Code should look like that:

for object in selection do
	ShellLaunch (scriptspath+"\	swbase\\7z.exe") @("a -mx9 -t7z " + + " @listfile.txt")

actually i figured it out myself:

clearlistener ()

try (destroydialog zip_rips) catch()

--global fpath="C:\\Users\1\\Documents\\_wrk\\18-ti-models\\07-fuel-truck\\sample\\"
global sourcedir = getSavePath
global out_path = maxfilepath
global file_ext = "rip"
global sevenz_fpath = scriptspath + "tswbase\\7z.exe" --7z.exe should be in ..\scripts	swbase\ directory
global arch_cmnd = "a -mx9 -t7z"
global arch_prefix = "_source.7z"
global dq = "\"" --double quote character
global bs = "\\" --backslash characters

fn zrDefaultSettings =
	sourcedir = ""
	arch_name = ""
	out_name = ""
	out_file = ""

arch_name = MaxFileName --get max file name
if arch_name == "" then --if there is no name
arch_name = "Untitled" --use "Untitled"
arch_name = getFileNameFile arch_name+arch_prefix --use the file name without .MAX extension

rollout zip_rips "Rip Zipper"
	group "Choose Dir then Zip"
			--edittext EdTexPath     "Path to materials" text:"fgdh" width:180 across:2
			button dirselector "Choose Directory" align:#center height:16 width:100
			button zipper "Zip Source Files" align:#center height:16 width:100 enabled:true
			--checkbox ChkTexRecurse "Recurse" checked:false
			--label    LblMissingTex "On missing texture:" across:2
			--radiobuttons RadMissingTex labels:#("do nothing", "ask") default:g_texMissAction align:#left columns:1
	on dirselector pressed do
			sourcedir = getSavePath caption:"Directory with .rip files" initialDir:out_path
			if dir != undefined then
				out_path = sourcedir
			out_name = ((sourcedir)+(bs)+"process_file.cmd")
			out_file = createfile out_name
			max select all
			for o in selection do
				--property to export
				format "%%% % %%%% %%%%.%% 
" (dq) (sevenz_fpath) (dq) (arch_cmnd) (dq) (out_path) (arch_name) (dq) (dq) (sourcedir) (bs) ( as string) (file_ext) (dq) to:out_file
	on zipper pressed do
			HiddenDOSCommand "process_file.cmd" startpath:sourcedir prompt:"Waiting for process_file.cmd to exit" --donotwait:true
			try (close out_file) catch()
			--close out_file --No ""close"" function for undefined
			destroydialog zip_rips

createDialog zip_rips 120 72 205 150 

but this gives me an error every time i use it second time, so i have to reload it

I gusee that’s problem with globals. You can’t define already defined variable.

Now should works:

if sourcedir == undefined then
	global sourcedir = getSavePath
	global out_path = maxfilepath
	global file_ext = "rip"
	global sevenz_fpath = scriptspath + "tswbase\\7z.exe" --7z.exe should be in ..\scripts	swbase\ directory
	global arch_cmnd = "a -mx9 -t7z"
	global arch_prefix = "_source.7z"
	global dq = "\"" --double quote character
	global bs = "\\" --backslash characters

	--global fpath="C:\\Users\1\\Documents\\_wrk\\18-ti-models\\07-fuel-truck\\sample\\"
	global sourcedir = getSavePath
	global out_path = maxfilepath
	global file_ext = "rip"
	global sevenz_fpath = scriptspath + "tswbase\\7z.exe" --7z.exe should be in ..\scripts	swbase\ directory
	global arch_cmnd = "a -mx9 -t7z"
	global arch_prefix = "_source.7z"
	global dq = "\"" --double quote character
	global bs = "\\" --backslash characters

I recomend you use more unique names for globals (or not use them if you really haven’t to). Other scripts can also use them and that will produce weird behaviour of your one.

thanks, i’ll try this at work

but why did you copy global block two times? i don’t get it

edit: btw, do you know how to prevent error when i close “open folder” dialog box after “Choose Directory” being pressed? something like “if then”?

error text:

>> MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception: -- No ""+"" function for undefined <<

and this is what i have so far, works fine, but only this error above annoys me:

clearlistener ()

try (destroydialog zip_rips) catch()

if sourcedir_zr == undefined then
	global out_path_zr = maxfilepath
	global sourcedir_zr = getSavePath
	global file_ext_zr = "rip"
	global sevenz_fpath = scriptspath + "tswbase\\7z.exe" --7z.exe should be in ..\scripts	swbase\ directory
	global arch_cmnd_zr = "a -mx9 -t7z"
	global arch_prefix_zr = "_source.7z"
	global dq_zr = "\"" --double quote character
	global bs_zr = "\\" --backslash character

fn zrDefaultSettings =
	sourcedir_zr = ""
	arch_name_zr = ""
	out_name_zr = ""
	out_file_zr = ""

arch_name_zr = MaxFileName
if arch_name_zr == "" then
arch_name_zr = "Untitled"
arch_name_zr = getFileNameFile arch_name_zr+arch_prefix_zr
rollout zip_rips "Rip Zipper"
	group "Choose Dir then Zip"
			button dirselector "Choose Directory" align:#center height:16 width:100
			button zipper "Zip Source Files" align:#center height:16 width:100 enabled:true
	on dirselector pressed do
			sourcedir_zr = getSavePath caption:"Directory with .rip files" initialDir:sourcedir_zr
			out_name_zr = ((sourcedir_zr)+(bs_zr)+"process_file.cmd")
			out_file_zr = createfile out_name_zr
			max select all
			for o in selection do
				--property to export
				format "%%% % %%%%% %%%%.%% 
" (dq_zr) (sevenz_fpath) (dq_zr) (arch_cmnd_zr) (dq_zr) (out_path_zr) (bs_zr) (arch_name_zr) (dq_zr) (dq_zr) (out_path_zr) (bs_zr) ( as string) (file_ext_zr) (dq_zr) to:out_file_zr
		try (close out_file_zr) catch()
	on zipper pressed do
			HiddenDOSCommand "process_file.cmd" startpath:sourcedir_zr prompt:"Waiting for process_file.cmd to exit" --donotwait:true
			try (close out_file_zr) catch()

createDialog zip_rips 120 72 205 150 


Try this:

	on dirselector pressed do
			sourcedir_zr = getSavePath caption:"Directory with .rip files" --initialDir:sourcedir_zr
			if sourcedir_zr != undefined then
				out_name_zr = ((sourcedir_zr)+(bs_zr)+"process_file.cmd")
				out_file_zr = createfile out_name_zr
				max select all
				for o in selection do
					--property to export
					format "%%% % %%%%% %%%%.%% 
" (dq_zr) (sevenz_fpath) (dq_zr) (arch_cmnd_zr) (dq_zr) (out_path_zr) (bs_zr) (arch_name_zr) (dq_zr) (dq_zr) (out_path_zr) (bs_zr) ( as string) (file_ext_zr) (dq_zr) to:out_file_zr
		try (close out_file_zr) catch()

thanks, seems like it works!
but how i can use initialDirectory either?

When a person runs the script for the first time, source-directory will be undefined.
So the script will ask to choose the directory.
You can do something like:

  1. If the source is undefined, and the user still does not select a directory then in that case,
    Put a default Directory.

I actually want to know why you want to use an initial directory?
Its useful only if the person has made proper folder structure…

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well basicaly this script implies that user have PROPER folder structure, right now i’m thinking about resolving all posible issues
thank you anyway, i’ll continue improving this script

You can check the pre-defined globals in Maxscript help.
You might want to use a default path for initial dir if source is undefined.

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

thanks, that’s make sence too