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[Closed] Zip Files

Hey there,

is it possible to write zip files with Maxscript?

didnt’ find infos in the help files…

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Check up on the Maz() function that should do the trick

ah, thanks very much

i checked out Maz(), it works fine with files.
but how do i create folders within the zip files?

or do i need to create the full filestructure first and then Maz() the whole directory?

create structure first, then maz the whole thing. Maz overwrites the zip file specified (instead of adding to it), so there’s no other way really.

ok, thanks.
so i’ll need to find another way, cause i need more flexibility.

Get a zip tool that has command-line creation like 7-zip, or one of the numerous commercial zip tools. Then use the DOSCommand or (HiddenDOSCommand, in 2008+ or with the AVG extension) to execute then need command-line parameters.


or use .NET with, for example, the DotNetZip assembly; might be a bit more flexible and trusting still than launching an external executable (especially with today’s virus scanners, firewalls, etc.)