[Closed] z-up to y-up crisis
I’m really not getting this now.
I’d been playing with rotateXMatrix -90 and had figured that it was the same as
matrix3 [1,0,0] [0,0,-1] [0,1,0] [0,0,0]
which is the inverse (that’s right, isn’t it?) of your original matrix.
So applying the first matrix: mainly good. Positions are correct, all rotations except X are also good.
Then applying the second matrix: the camera is reset to it’s original TM, rather than just correcting the 90 degree switch.
I’m having a play with xFormMat, but I’m really just hacking.
I'm thinking the same thing. Perhaps I need to separate the two lots of transforms to get the correct data.
Also - does this help - I'm getting so pissed off with these rotations (Y and Z are fine, but X being inverted) that I asked the Flash dev to tell me what does what, so I could compare with Max:
A positive rotation on eaach axis causes the camera to look:
Max Papervision
X Up Up
Y Clockwise Right
Z Left Anti-clockwise
I’m doing some tests with separating the 2 transforms, using rotateXMatrix and things are looking positive. Only single axis and numebrs at the moment, and I’m needing to swap mnius signs here and there, but the figures look good (ie, I can relate them to the table above)…
seems to work with maya, thank you a lot.
Except when the object has nonuniform negative scale.
Is it supposed to workfor that case, too?
I did camera transfer scripts, check the code, there are a lot of answers about rotations, btwn, did you check ROT ORDERS…
Hi Daniel,
Great! I’ll have a check when I get home from work later.
Thanks for chiming in,
I just wanted to say thanks for your help Bobo. The split approach worked for me on this occasion. I basically grabbed the position and rotation separately, did differeing matrix transforms on each, then exported one of each for each frame of the animation.
I don’t know if this is the best way, but it works when everything else didn’t, and that’s good enough for us.
Daniel, I haven’t had a chance to dig through your files, but thank you also for another angle.