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[Closed] xml export formating
Nov 30, 2016 11:11 pm
Am writing an xml camera export from 3dsMax to Photoscan with following code.
dotnet.loadAssembly "system.xml"
XmlDoc=dotNetObject "System.xml.xmlDocument"
docNd=XmlDoc.createElement "document"
XmlDoc.appendChild docNd
chunkNd=XmlDoc.createElement "chunk"
docNd.appendChild chunkNd
sensorsNd=XmlDoc.createElement "sensors"
chunkNd.appendChild sensorsNd
sensorNd = XmlDoc.createElement "sensor"
sensorNd.setattribute "id" "0"
sensorNd.setattribute "label" "unknown"
sensorNd.setattribute "type" "frame"
sensorsNd.appendChild sensorNd
resolutionNd = XmlDoc.createElement "resolution"
resolutionNd.setattribute "width" (renderwidth as string)
resolutionNd.setattribute "height" (renderheight as string)
sensorNd.appendChild resolutionNd
propertyNd = XmlDoc.createElement "property"
propertyNd.setattribute "name" "fixed"
propertyNd.setattribute "value" "false"
sensorNd.appendChild propertyNd
calibrationNd = XmlDoc.createElement "calibration"
calibrationNd.setattribute "type" "frame"
calibrationNd.setattribute "class" "initial"
sensorNd.appendChild calibrationNd
global ApertureWidth = getRendApertureWidth()
global AspectRatio = getRendImageAspect()
global ApertureHeight = ApertureWidth / AspectRatio
global VFOV = 2.0*atan(tan(camera_out.fov/2.0)/AspectRatio)
global Focal_Length = (ApertureWidth/2) /(tan (camera_out.fov/2.0))
FL_pixels_Width = renderwidth * (Focal_Length / ApertureWidth)
FL_pixels_Height = renderheight * (Focal_Length / ApertureHeight)
resolution2Nd = XmlDoc.createElement "resolution"
resolution2Nd.setattribute "width" (renderwidth as string)
resolution2Nd.setattribute "height" (renderheight as string)
calibrationNd.appendChild resolution2Nd
fxNd = XmlDoc.createElement "fx" --(FL_pixels_Width as string)
-- fxNd.InnerText (FL_pixels_Width as string)
fxNd.setattribute "AAA" (FL_pixels_Width as string)
calibrationNd.appendChild fxNd
fyNd = XmlDoc.createElement "fy" --(FL_pixels_Height as string)
-- fyNd.InnerText (FL_pixels_Height as string)
fyNd.setattribute "AAA" (FL_pixels_Height as string)
calibrationNd.appendChild fyNd SaveCameraFileName --"C:/MyTest.xml"
Am trying to achieve this type of formatting:
<sensor id="0" label="unknown" type="frame">
<resolution width="1920" height="1080"/>
<property name="fixed" value="false"/>
<calibration type="frame" class="initial">
<resolution width="1920" height="1080"/>
But am only able to get following. Am having trouble with getting fx and fy to work without having to use ‘setattribute’.
Should be this: 1418.46
but getting this:
<sensor id="0" label="unknown" type="frame">
<resolution width="1920" height="1080" />
<property name="fixed" value="false" />
<calibration type="frame" class="initial">
<resolution width="1920" height="1080" />
<fx AAA="1418.46" />
<fy AAA="1418.46" />
1 Reply
Nov 30, 2016 11:11 pm
fxNd = XmlDoc.createElement "fx" --(FL_pixels_Width as string)
fxNd.InnerText [B]=[/B] (FL_pixels_Width as string)
calibrationNd.appendChild fxNd
fyNd = XmlDoc.createElement "fy" --(FL_pixels_Height as string)
fyNd.InnerText [B]=[/B] (FL_pixels_Height as string)
calibrationNd.appendChild fyNd
InnerText is a property not a function