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[Closed] XML A&D Importer/Exporter

Hi there! I started to develop a XML Importer/Exporter, it’s a WIP of course but right now it imports/exports every parameter on the A&D although it only works with bitmaps in which it also has some limitations, it doesnt write/read the coordinates/noise/output panes. I guess having this started it’s easy to implement other stuff, like Noise Maps, Cellular, etc. I’ll leave the code open since it only makes sense that way, so that other people can implement other stuff and make the same thing for Maya/XSI.

If you port this to other software, please post it here so we can know about it, I’ll try to implement more stuff but feel free to make your own updates although it would be cool if you posted them here so I can add it and release a new version.
The ideia behind this is the hability to share A&D materials between diferent softwares. Hope you guys like it!

EDIT: I’ve updated the script because there was a problem with some dotnet conversions in Max2008, it was only working in Max2009, please download again (Thanks to Koichi!)

10 Replies

Kameleon, what is A&D, how to use your script?
It shows an empty list and Save/Load buttons.
This way, I have nothing to save and nothing to load…

Haha A&D is the Arch&Design Material from mental ray. Create an object, apply an A&D Material to it then use the Save to create a XML file. The Load does the inverse, it loads a XML file (that’s supposed to be from a diferent 3d package) and then select the material in the listbox and set it into a slot in the material editor.

The idea behind this is to have a format where you can load an save mentalray materials and use them no matter what 3d package it was created, it eases the use and trade of mentalray A&D materials. In a pipeline with diferent 3d packages I guess this could be of use or also in a material repository, where instead of having it divided by 3d applications you would have only XML files and with this script you would load it into 3dsmax.

Of course, it needs to be ported to other apps as well since I only know how to code in maxscript, dont now anything about MEL or Python

I’ve noticed another type conversion problem in Max2008, so here’s another build Sorry!

Well, I have switched to mental ray:
Render -> Render -> Common -> Assign Renderer -> Production -> mental ray Renderer

Then I’ve created the material:
Material Editor -> Standard -> Arch&Design (mi) -> Template

Then I’ve applied it to a box by drag’n’drop

But the script still shows just empty list for some reason…
How do you make a use of it?

When you save, the list doesnt get updated, but there should be a XML file created. You can Click Load and select the XML file you’ve just created and then the listbox will be populated, but download the latest attachment here please, there was a bug in the load function

The purpose of the Save button is only to create the XML file.

Here’s an update, it now supports the Coordinates in the bitmaps, now only the output pane is missing and all info in the bitmaps are supported Then I could go to another map type like Noise or something like that. Cya!

Way to go Artur!

Figured I’d respond here instead of to your post in the Maya forum. While I haven’t had time to test the script yet I will do so as soon as I complete these material test scenes.

Would be a great resource to have for the material exchange site.

Hi Jeff!
I look forward for your feedback, this is still very WIP as I’ve been very very busy and probably will the next couple of weeks, but from time to time I manage to work on it for some hours, like today, and txaram bitmaps almost fully supported

As for the material repository, I think it would be a great ideia and count me in to help out in whatever way I can, it would be nice to get someone who codes in MEL and Python to write the respective importers/exporters for Maya and XSI also.

Cya around!

Wow. Props from the Jeff Patton. Now that means somethin’! :bowdown:

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