[Closed] Writing to XML overwrite
Hey guys,
Everytime I write to an existing xml file, it overwrites all the data. Is there a way to append to the file, or is it the matter of having to read the file, modify or add to the data, then write it back out?
How are you writing the XML file? You need to open the xml, get the node and use .AppendChild
I’ll have a look at my snippets.
Have a look how I’m writing it here. How are you doing it?
You can do root=XML.FirstChild then root.AppendChild (where XML=dotnetobject “System.Xml.XmlDocument”) then just XML.Save… I guess
Ahh that’s where was my mess up :). Thanks Artur!
Appreciate the tutorial, Paul. I’ve been referencing it time to time.
I answered so quicky I didn’t even notice it was you J. If you need any more example code just let me know.