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[Closed] Writing to XML overwrite

Hey guys,

Everytime I write to an existing xml file, it overwrites all the data. Is there a way to append to the file, or is it the matter of having to read the file, modify or add to the data, then write it back out?


5 Replies

How are you writing the XML file? You need to open the xml, get the node and use .AppendChild

I’ll have a look at my snippets.


Have a look how I’m writing it here. How are you doing it?

You can do root=XML.FirstChild then root.AppendChild (where XML=dotnetobject “System.Xml.XmlDocument”) then just XML.Save… I guess

Ahh that’s where was my mess up :). Thanks Artur!

Appreciate the tutorial, Paul. I’ve been referencing it time to time.


I answered so quicky I didn’t even notice it was you J. If you need any more example code just let me know.