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[Closed] Wrap/Conform surface on surface HELP NEEDED
Feb 07, 2015 8:41 pm
Hello guys, I’m a noob in maxscript.
Now my challenge is to create a script similar to Wrapit or the Conform brush of Max’s Graphite Tool.
So far I came up with this code, which works but it’s very slow even on simple objects, so I was thinking if you guys have suggestion to make this faster, and I’m especially looking for already built in methods to find the closest distance which will run faster for sure.
Or maybe there’s a smarter mathematical solution to speed up the process.
Thank you for your attention.
global source = $Plane001 --Source that will be wrapped SHOULD be Editable Poly object
global target = $Sphere001 --the target
global sourceVN = polyop.getnumVerts source --the vertex count of the source
global vector = tape pos:[0,0,0] target:(targetObject pos: [1,1,1] ) -- a tape helper which will help to measure distances
global beenthere = #() --a temporary array for current vertex which records all the used positions
global omega = 18
global om = 360/omega --the angle in which rays will be send to find intersection
global v_pos --vertex position
global t_pos --the position when the ray will hit the target
global intR
global shortest --variable for the shortest distance which will be found amound ray intersections
-- for all the vertexes creat a Dom of rays to locate the shortest from the target to vertex
for v =1 to sourceVN do
v_pos = polyop.getVert source v
--first circle
for i = 1 to omega do
--second circle
for f = 1 to omega do
tm = transMatrix v_pos
preRotateZ tm (om*i)
preRotateY tm (om*f)
preTranslate tm [2,0,0]
t_pos = tm.pos
found = findItem beenthere (t_pos as string) --checking if this position was already tested for this vertex
vector.pos = v_pos = t_pos
intR = intersectRay target (vector as ray)
if found == 0 and intR != undefined do
if shortest == undefined do shortest = intR.pos
if (distance v_pos shortest) > (distance v_pos intR.pos) do shortest = intR.pos --if the new distance is shorter pick it
append beenthere (t_pos as string)
polyop.setVert source v shortest -- set the current vertex to that position
beenthere = #() -- erase the array to make it ready for the next vertex
delete vector -- erase the tape
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