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[Closed] Working with skinOps

Hi, guys! I’m stuck with a script I’m writing. I’ve been looking for ages for a script that allows you to ‘transfer’ weights from one bone to another, and also be able to ‘lock’ weights for one bone. But I found nothing, so I thought it was worth giving it a try.

So in this chunk of code what I pretend is pass an array of weights to one bone to another. I’m using a teapot with three bones, and it only stores the weights for the first bone. Here’s the code:

  -- get the skin
  skinMod = $.modifiers[#Skin]
  -- get the number of vertices
  vertNum = skinOps.getNumberVertices skinMod
  -- get the selected bone (index)
  selBone = skinOps.getSelectedBone skinMod
  -- get the vertices influenced by the selected bone
  skinOps.selectVerticesByBone skinMod
  -- store the verts index in an array
  selectedVerts = #()
  for i = 1 to vertNum do
  	theVert = skinOps.IsVertexSelected skinMod i
  	if theVert == 1 do append selectedVerts i	
  -- store the verts weights in an array
  selectedWeights = #()
  for i = 1 to selectedVerts.count do
  	theWeight = skinOps.getVertexWeight skinMod selectedVerts[i] selBone
  	append selectedWeights theWeight
  -- apply the weights to the new bone
  for i = 1 to selectedVerts.count do
  	skinOps.setVertexWeights skinMod selectedVerts[i] selBone selectedWeights[i]

The skinOps methods look a bit confusing to me. In addition, after dealing with the question ‘how in the hell could I select the vertices owned by a bone using script’ I found that there’s a method that is not documented in the Help file (although the command is exposed in tue Customize UI dialog).

I guess I’m doing something wrong. Could you guys point me what I’m missing here?

Thanks a lot!!!

1 Reply

Hi iker!

Haven’t touched skin that much… but anyhow:

skinOps.GetVertexWeight <Skin> <vertex_integer> <vertex_bone_integer>
Returns the influence of the Nth bone affecting the specified vertex.

You are most likely writing a script to transfer weight influence of many not one bone to one vertex. So you have to first get all bones influencing vert:

theBonesInfluencing = skinOps.GetVertexWeightCount skinMod selectedVerts[i]

This could be any number of bones which influence a vert. 1 to 3 in this case.

Then you could get and store both weights and vertex_bones into arrays. Then loop thru each vertex, and store these to arrays…

  for i = 1 to selectedVerts.count do
	theBonesInfluencing = skinOps.GetVertexWeightCount skinMod selectedVerts[i]
	tmpBoneInflueces = #()
	tmpBones = #()
	for a = 1 to theBonesInfluencing do
		theWeight = skinOps.getVertexWeight skinMod selectedVerts[i] a
		append tmpBoneInflueces theWeight
		append tmpBones a
	append selectedWeights tmpBoneInflueces
	append InfluencingBones tmpBones
	tmpBoneInflueces = #()
	tmpBones = #()

Then do the inverse when you paste weights back to another bone.

And as note, when you weight for example bone 1 verts to be “same” as bone 3, you are actually removing weights from bone 3 at the same time.

I tested it quickly, and it seems to be working… but didn’t take care of original vert assignment, so this would have to be done too i think.


“and also be able to ‘lock’ weights for one bone”

Do you mean you’d like to bake verts or something else?

Anyway, i hope this doesn’t lead you to wrong path! I have done something similar once, so there might be easier way to do this …or not.