[Closed] Wireparameter from the array
am trying to create a script to wire a parameter of multi cameras to a manipulator slider value
it work fine on the first item in the array but it stop after that because the base object
i can’t figure a solve for it
any suggestion please
here is my script:
rollout Floater “” width:200 height:70
button btn34 “X” pos:[170,3] width:15 height:15
button btn35 “-” pos:[155,3] width:15 height:15
button btn5 “[]” pos:[7,3] width:15 height:15
on btn34 pressed do
try(cui.unRegisterDialogBar MY_ToolBox2Rol)
closerolloutfloater MY_ToolBox2Rol
on btn35 pressed do
cui.unRegisterDialogBar MY_ToolBox2Rol
on btn5 pressed do
cui.DockDialogBar MY_ToolBox2Rol #cui_dock_right
rollout Wirethem “Wire them” width:326 height:66
button pick_Childs_bt “Pick Childs” width:120
button pick_Target_bt “Pick Target” width:120
button Wire_bt “Wire These” width:120
button Free_bt “New Task” width:120
on pick_Childs_bt pressed do (
pick_Childs_bt.text = MyChild.count as string +” objects”
on pick_Target_bt pressed do
append MyTarget $
pick_Target_bt.text = MyTarget.count as string +” objects”
on Wire_bt pressed do (
for i = 1 to MyChild.count do (
paramWire.connect MyTarget[i].baseObject[#value] MyChild[i].baseObject[#Exposure_Value] “value”
print MyChild
Print MyTarget
MyChild.wirecolor = red
on Free_bt pressed do (
free MyChild
pick_Childs_bt.text = "Pick Childs"
free MyTarget
pick_Target_bt.text ="Pick Target"
MY_ToolBox2Rol = newRolloutFloater “MY ToolBox” 200 600 1250 100
addRollout Floater MY_ToolBox2Rol
addRollout Wirethem MY_ToolBox2Rol –rolledUp:true
–createdialog aaa style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu, #style_resizing) minSize:[190,310] maxSize:[190,310]
cui.RegisterDialogBar MY_ToolBox2Rol style:#(#cui_dock_vert,#cui_floatable,#cui_handles)