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[Closed] Where to put a Utility App ?

where do you guys put your max related utility exe’s/converters/ui’s. I have a small model viewer (using the game engine) for artist to do a quick check of exports so that it will look as expected in game. The question is where best place to put it ? in a max related folder or as typical window app with it’s own folder etc.

7 Replies

technically the “Bin” folder in max is a good place for this kind of utils.
i try to keep all my things in own place out of the max. so i have a subfolder “Bin” in my tools structure where i put utils and internally used plugins and assemblies

is that part of windows “program files” structure or more of a “c:\DenisTTools\Bin” thing ? (it’s not a critique as such just curious )

user defines the root folder for my tools himself

We keep all ours on the network drive.

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yup, network location for all tools, with a local environment variable set for the location. means you can force a re-path of the entire pipeline if, say a server goes down.

We use sync tools to keep the tools updated across the team. And each user can choose where to put them.