[Closed] Where is gone skinOps.selectBoneByNode ?
Hello !
I am a bit troubled with the skinOps.selectBoneByNode that I have get using the macro recorder.
I have a liste bone in a listbox and what I want to do for now is exactly the same thing we can find in the MaxWeightTool, select a bone name in the listbox trigger skinOps.selectBoneByNode.
When selecting a bone in the Max Weight Tool I can see that Happening in the macro Recorder :
skinOps.SelectBone $.modifiers[#Skin] 1
$.modifiers[#Skin].effect = 0.788333
Then When I symply try to run this comand my self I get :
– Error occurred in anonymous codeblock;
– Unable to convert: 1 to type: <node>
And when I want to find more info on this comand in the help I get : No results found for skinOps.selectBoneByNode
Goolgle didnt help me so far either so here I am. Anyone have infos for me ?
Thanks !
it still works but probably missed in the mxs help…
the usage is
skinOps.selectBoneByNode <skin modifier> <skin node>
ok,thanks ! make sense with the : skinOps.SelectBone $.modifiers[#Skin] 1 … the error I get then – Unable to convert: 1 to type: <node> make less sens…
Maybe a case of restarting max ? Will try that but…
Yep, I confirm, simply try to run skinOps.selectBoneByNode $.modifiers[#Skin] 1 … whish is what’s gave me the macro recorder error this : Unable to convert: 1 to type: <node>
Max know very well 1 is the index of my bone since he is giving it to me in the macro recorder isn’t it ?
EDIT : Seems I can use skinOps.SelectBone $.modifiers[#Skin] 1 who do quite the same thing and actually works…
max says you that you have to pass a node as a second argument instead of bone’s index. that means
skinOps.selectBoneByNode $.skin $'Left Arm'
for example
Ok…thanks… then why the macro recorder show otherwise ? Getting confuse here.
I have achieve what I wanted to do with the other command… its actually even better. But still…