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[Closed] when … handleAt:#redrawViews fubar

got some probs with a when construct with handleat.#redrawviews.

what im intend to do with this script, is to make a comfortable face selection mode.
when enabled, all face selections add to current selection. if a single face is selected, which is already selected, it will get unselected.
in basic the script works. but only when im pan the scene or switch to another screen.
i tried different methods to get a view redraw to update the selection but nothing works so far

heres the code so far
im glad for any help ^^

global PB_SelectionAdd_SelectionArray = #{}
global PB_AISelectionAddUpdate = false
global PB_UpdateSelection

deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#PBAddSelection
deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#PBAddSelectionUpdate

fn PB_IntSelectionAdd =
	CurrentSelection = getFaceSelection selection[1]
	format "Selected Face 	: %
" CurrentSelection
	RemoveIdx = 0
	if CurrentSelection.numberSet == 1 then
		RemoveIdx = findItem PB_SelectionAdd_SelectionArray (CurrentSelection as array)[1]
	if RemoveIdx == 0 then
		PB_SelectionAdd_SelectionArray = PB_SelectionAdd_SelectionArray + CurrentSelection			
		PB_SelectionAdd_SelectionArray = PB_SelectionAdd_SelectionArray - CurrentSelection
		format "	Remove Selection 	: %
" CurrentSelection

	setFaceSelection selection[1] PB_SelectionAdd_SelectionArray

	PB_AISelectionAddUpdate = true
	if keyboard.escPressed then
		format "ChangeHandler removed 
		deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#PBAddSelection
		deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#PBAddSelectionUpdate

fn PB_SetNewFaceSelection = 
	if true do
		nodeInvalRect selection[1]
		setNeedsRedraw complete:true
		forceCompleteRedraw doDisabled:true

		print "Redraw !!!"
		PB_AISelectionAddUpdate = false

when select selection changes id:#PBAddSelection handleAt:#redrawViews  do 
	if Selection.count == 1 AND (classof selection[1] == Editable_Mesh) do

when select selection changes id:#PBAddSelectionUpdate do 
	if PB_AISelectionAddUpdate do