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[Closed] whats action make ur max "out of memory"?

hi friends :

in some scene , run some of my scripts , “out of memory ” messagebox pop up , many of this make me puzzle , at that time , the free memory of my computer is very large,and if i try to set the script memory size more than 7.5M (default) ,it still run error message “out of memory “, i dont know why . i wish we can collect the reasones , maybe can find something useful

maybe reason :

1, a mesh object has so many faces , maybe more than 50000 faces , 2, do something with a object , more than 120000 count action ,or other ?
3, a objects has too many maps in the material ?

… u can add here . thanks .

if my reason is true , i want get the answer :

  1. how many faces will be the MAX for script caculate , is it nessisary set a limit faces ?
  2. the MAX action with a object , eg : loop 1000 in a loop 2000 , it will be 1000*2000 action on the object.
  3. how many maps is safe for the scene ? for the script ?
2 Replies

try disabling undo for the script, flooding the undobuffer can crash max


with undo off


before i have write this thread : undo off , with redraw off , max create mode have been used , dont know why .