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[Closed] What is your script for life? 😉


Maybe this topic should be made sticky, lot’s of important life lessons to be learned here



Great Thread! Great Posts!

here’s mine:

fn work =(while not awesome or eof(budget) do keepRefining())
for i in monday to friday do
	endTime = 5
	for j in 9 to endTime do 
		if havingFun then endTime+=1 else surftheWeb()
--don't forget the girlfriend
on Weekends reached do haveFun()

** system exception **

while not love and not balance
balance = undefined
love = undefined
if life == true then work = undefined 
if work == undefined then money = false
if money == false then wife = false
if wife == false then life = undefined
if life == undefined then work = true
if work == true then time = false
if time == false then wife = false
if wife == false then life == undefined 
if wife == true and work == true then 
	love = true
	balance = true

Forget life lessons! MaxScript lessons are more important!

[color=white]Character production pipeline:

Fn RefineCharacters = 
             Local CharRevision_Final = false	 
            While CharRevision_Final == false do
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Using some meshes now that could use that!

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