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[Closed] what is making this program stall?
Nov 12, 2012 9:25 pm
if I change “format” to “print” it prints the values. Format is hanging it up for some reason?
Max 2013 Update 4
function getoffset p o a=
if o.position[a] < p.position[a] then
local objaxis = (p.position[a] - o.position[a])*-1
local objaxis = o.position[a] - p.position[a]
rollout PolyformTarget "Crane Target"
group "thegroup"
pickbutton choosePT_obj "Select Position Object" width:150
pickbutton chooseTO_obj "Select Target Object" width:150
pickbutton chooseOFF_obj "Select Offset Object" width:150
button btn_doit "Go"
on choosePT_obj picked pt do
choosePT_obj.text =
on chooseTO_obj picked targo do
chooseTO_obj.text =
on chooseOFF_obj picked objoff do
chooseOFF_obj.text =
on btn_doit pressed do
local theparent = getnodebyname choosePT_obj.text
local thetarget = getnodebyname chooseTO_obj.text
local theoffset = getnodebyname chooseOFF_obj.text
local xdiff = getoffset theparent theoffset 1
local ydiff = getoffset theparent theoffset 2
local zdiff = getoffset theparent theoffset 3
format "% % %" xdiff ydiff zdiff
try(destroyDialog PolyformTarget)catch()
createDialog PolyformTarget width:200
2 Replies
1 Reply
Nov 12, 2012 9:25 pm
thank you Denis. I thought the
was to create a new line if there were multiple. Looks like it works like a “commit”. I wonder if would work the same way.
From the help file: “format does not automatically append a line break to the output stream, so you can build up a line from several format calls and generally control layout better. An explicit ’
’ newline escape character sequence is needed to place a line break in the output stream.”