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[Closed] what can we do with mxs arrays? (SDK)

the only way to organize and publish class methods in mxs is to use the mixin interfaces, but calling these methods in the “simple” mxs syntax results in a loss of performance and memory:

for example:

delete objects
b = converttopoly (box())

-- 'plain' syntax:
	t0 = timestamp()
	h0 = heapfree

	for k=1 to 1000 do

	format "#1 time:% heap:%\n" (timestamp() - t0) (h0 - heapfree)
-- the very well known trick:
	t0 = timestamp()
	h0 = heapfree

	selectHardEdges = b.selectHardEdges
	for k=1 to 1000 do

	format "#2 time:% heap:%\n" (timestamp() - t0) (h0 - heapfree)

that’s why I don’t like to use interfaces

in SDK of course I have class methods for this mxs classes, and use them. but I don’t publish them for MXS.
if I wanted to publish them, I would have to add an interface to code that I absolutely do not need in relation to the SDK

Thanks a lot.
Now it’s at least clear why I couldn’t make my methods exposed to mxs.

Worth mentioning there’s no need for that trick as you can always use

Editable_Poly.selectHardEdges b

I finally made it using the example by Rodrigue Cloutier provided in ancient Descreet Sparks chm.

sparks_archive.chm (3.3 MB) source

ps. Why there’s still no sticky thread for c++ faq ?

… solved

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