[Closed] Weight Un-Weighted Bones to Un-Weighted Vertices
I’m not sure if this is considered as a double post or not, but I figured this is a fairly different question, more specific, and more likely to get an answer.
So how can i Assign weights to unweighted vertices using unweighted bones?
I’d first need to get unweighted bones and unweighted verts. Then weight the unweighted bones to the unweighted verts.
If anyone know how to do any of the 3 please help.
1)Find Un-weighted bones. (not sure if ill need the index, array, or bitarray? give them a name?)
2)Find Un-weighted Verts. (again not sure if ill need the index, array, or bitarray? give them a name?)
3)Assign Bone Specific weights to Specifc Verts. ( probably supposed to use —-skinOps.SetVertexWeights <Skin> <vertex_integer> \ ( <vertex_bone_integer> | <vertex_bone_array> ) \ ( <weight_float> | <weight_array> ) —- ?)
Remember I’m brand new 3 days into maxscript so please go slow ^^