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[Closed] web browser in rollout

Hello all,

I’ve found a tutorial in the maxscript help which shows how to embed a web browser within a maxscripted rollout using DotNet. I wanted to add an event to check when the document title is changed. I looked on msdn for available events for the WebBrowser dotNetControl and found OnDocumentTitleChanged. I tried it in my code but I can’t get it to work. I didn’t really think it would but I thought it was worth a try! here is the code:

rollout webbrowser_rollout "Web Test" width:600 height:600
edittext edt_url "URL:" text:"[ ]( )"
dotNetControl wb "System.Windows.forms.WebBrowser" pos:[10,22] width:580 height:570

 fn openURL urlString = (
  wb.url = dotNetObject "System.Uri" urlString 
 on edt_url entered txt do openURL txt
on webbrowser_rollout open do 
 openURL edt_url.text
-- this is the event code I tried
on wb OnDocumentTitleChanged txt do
 print "changed"
createdialog webbrowser_rollout

If anyone can provide an example that would be great. Thanks for reading


2 Replies

check event name

Thanks Denis that did the trick.